Soccer Star
Soccer Star - interior image

Soccer Star

Written by Mina Javaherbin

Illustrated by Renato Alarcao

More Titles Mina Javaherbin

About the Creator(s)

I was born in Iran and moved to the United States many years ago. I live in Southern California with my husband, who has played soccer all his life and who nowadays volunteers as a coach at American Youth Soccer Organization. We have two children who also play soccer among many other sports. I believe that even though I studied architectural and write books, I seem to really be my children’s chauffer and “food manager,” a term they use to make me feel important and in charge! I like to add laundry manager, homework manager, and entertainment manager to the list as well.

Here are seven random facts about me; these facts may change, as thankfully we all grow and change. So be sure to visit my website and check my progress.

I am a lefty, but I can write with my right hand too. When I was in third grade my left hand was broken and in a cast, but my teacher expected me to get my homework done, so I learned how to write with my right hand.

I have not baked a thing since last year when I was baking a cake and almost burned down my house! I think the recipe was tampered with. I may have done the tampering.

I think I would like to have dogs and cats and maybe a few elephants, three dolphins, and two whales. For now we have gophers, rattlesnakes, and owls frequenting our backyard as they please.

I would rather read than do anything else in the world. Wait, I like eating and talking too.

I like doing annual bake sales for Halloween with my family and friends to raise money for UNICEF. I hope I’ll start baking again soon and put the you-know-what incident behind me.

My favorite colors are green and blue, and I love that if we look at our earth from space, green and blue are the colors of our planet. We truly have a beautiful planet.

I think global warming, hunger, poverty, and war are things we need to take care of as humans, or we’ll be like dinosaurs.