Santiago Saw Things Differently

Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Artist, Doctor, Father of Neuroscience

Written by Christine Iverson

Illustrated by Luciano Lozano

More Titles Christine Iverson

About the Creator(s)

Christine Iverson is a physical therapist with a strong interest in neural pathways. She holds a BS in history from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a doctoral degree in physical therapy from Baylor University, and an M.Ed. with a focus in children’s literature from Pennsylvania State University. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

Luciano Lozano is a Spanish author, illustrator, and graphic artist. He is the creator of several picture books, including Mayhem at the Museum: A Book in Pictures, and the illustrator of many others, including I (Don’t) Like Snakes by Nicola Davies. He lives in Spain.