I'm a Photon

Written by Dr. Eve M. Vavagiakis

Illustrated by Mike Malbrough

Series: Meet the Universe


More Titles Dr. Eve M. Vavagiakis

About the Creator(s)

Dr. Eve M. Vavagiakis is an assistant professor at Duke University. A childhood space enthusiast, she now works in experimental cosmology as part of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, CCAT-prime, CMB-S4, and Simons Observatory collaborations to build instrumentation and study the oldest light in the universe. She also codirects the high-energy physics blog ParticleBites and is the author of the other titles in the Meet the Universe series, Im a Neutrino and I’m a Black Hole. Dr. Eve M. Vavagiakis lives in North Carolina.

Mike Malbrough is the author-illustrator of Marigold Bakes a Cake and the illustrator of the Warren & Dragon series by Ariel Bernstein and What Does Grief Feel Like by Korie Leigh. Mike Marlbrough lives in New Jersey.