Fantastical Facts
(Some secret, others not)
1. My nickname at primary school was “Plonk.”
2. I used to dream of being a ballet dancer or a great artist.
3. Instead of doing my sewing at school I would write plays—mostly about a witch who had no teeth and would spit everywhere.
4. I have never been any good at sports, although I’m a good swimmer and walker.
5. Ideas seem to find me. One moment my head is blank, the next moment—
ping—in zooms an idea.
6. I love licking the baking bowl.
7. I dislike rain running down my neck.
8. I write upstairs, where I can watch the birds squabbling in the wild plum tree.
9. When I am writing, I wear old clothes and drink coffee.
10. I live in a storybook house near a beautiful beach.