Cece Bell
Cece Bell is a lifelong resident of Virginia (except for those three years she disappeared in Ohio). She lives in an old white church and works in a new red barn right next door. She is married to author-illustrator Tom Angleberger.
She works in a variety of media, both digital and old-school. Somehow, all her books end up being about friendship. All her books end up being kind of nutty, too.
Cece Bell’s books include the Sock Monkey picture books as well as the 2013 Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Book Rabbit and Robot: The Sleepover.
As a kid, Cece nearly fainted when she saw A Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats for the first time; it was that beautiful. She learned how to draw by doing all the doodles in the Ed Emberley books from her school library. She still has not learned how to ride an elevator without fear.
In 2015 she was awarded a Newbery Honor for her graphic memoir El Deafo.