John Matthews
John & Caitlín Matthews are one of the most successful writing teams in the world. Together and separately they have published more than one hundred books and continue to collaborate on numerous projects.
Caitlín Matthews is a writer and singer. She is the author of more than fifty books, including the best-selling Barefoot Book of Princesses, How To Be a Princess, Fireside Tales, and King Arthur’s Raid On The Underworld. She wrote “Song of the Exile” for Jerry Bruckheimer’s King Arthur (2004) and developed the Pictish language module used in the same film. .She makes frequent appearances on radio and TV as an expert on Celtic mythology and spirituality.
John Matthews has been a full time writer since 1980 and has produced more than ninety books on the Arthurian legends and the history of piracy, as well as short stories and a number of successful children’s books. His best known and most widely read works are the # 1 New York Times bestseller Pirates and The Winter Solstice, which won the Benjamin Franklin Award.. His book Celtic Warrior Chiefs was a New York Public Library recommended title for young adults. He recently founded his own movie production company, Mythwood Films.
Together the Matthews created Storyworld, a best-selling line of storytelling kits to help people of all ages rediscover the enchantment of telling stories. They are working on several new books and screenplays.