Seen and Not Heard
author/illustrator: Katie May Green
Welcome to Shiverhawk Hall! It’s a big old house full of treasure, mystery, and stories. Here, just look up on the wall. See these beautiful paintings? These are children who used to live here long ago: the DeVillechild twins, the Pinksweet tots . . . my, they look like such good children. So very well behaved. But wait a minute, did you see that? One of their eyes seemed to blink! Did you hear that? A rustle! A whisper! The tiniest scratch! Can it be that when darkness falls, the children on the walls at Shiverhawk Hall climb out of their paintings and run amok?
Edward Gorey meets Downton Abbey in a deliciously ghostly caper about mischievous children who won’t stay inside their gilded portrait frames.