Maker Girl and Professor Smarts
Maker Girl and Professor Smarts Maker Girl and Professor Smarts (EBook)
author/illustrator: Jasmine Florentine

Maker Girl and Professor Smarts Maker Girl and Professor Smarts (Paperback)
author/illustrator: Jasmine Florentine

With hands-on maker activities for readers to try, the first book in this zany graphic novel series follows two kid superheroes who use the powers of science and engineering to save their city, one ice cream cone at a time.

Maker Girl and Professor Smarts Maker Girl and Professor Smarts (Hardback)
author/illustrator: Jasmine Florentine

With hands-on maker activities for readers to try, the first book in this zany graphic novel series follows two kid superheroes who use the powers of science and engineering to save their city, one ice-cream cone at a time.

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