Daisy Dawson at the Beach

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Daisy Dawson at the Beach

author: Steve Voake
illustrator: Jessica Meserve

series name:
Daisy Dawson

School’s out for Daisy Dawson, and things couldn’t be any better. Imagine a whole summer at the beach, full of sand, sun, and surfing! And now that she’s making new animal friends - a crab named Pinchy who likes to dance and two fun-loving rabbits named Rabsy and Raberta - her vacation promises to be all the more exciting. But when Daisy hears a call for help from the bottom of the sea, she finds a dolphin in deep trouble, caught in old fishing nets. Will Daisy and her friends be able to save the dolphin before it’s too late?

Rescuing a dolphin is easier when you can talk to animals! Daisy returns in a summer adventure, meeting new friends from surfing rabbits to a dancing crab.
(Ages 6-9)
suggested retail price (U.S./CAN):
$5.99 / $7.00
0763654590 /  9780763654597
on sale date:
Middle Grade Fiction / EBook
age range:
6 yrs - 9 yrs
# of pages/size:
96 / N/A
grade range:
Grade 1 - Grade 4
Animals; Readers; Fantasy & Magic;
author’s comments:
Steve Voake is the author of all the Daisy Dawson books, as well as two novels for older readers. He lives in Somerset, England.
illustrator’s comments:
Jessica Meserve is the illustrator of all the Daisy Dawson books as well as other books for children. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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