Children's Stories from the Bible

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Children's Stories from the Bible
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Format: Hardback
ISBN-13: 9780763645519
Our Price: $19.99

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Children's Stories from the Bible

authors: Saviour Pirotta

illustrators: Ian Andrew; Anne Yvonne Gilbert

This beautifully illustrated collection is the perfect introduction to the stories of the Bible. Selections from the Old and New Testaments are brought to life through Saviour Pirotta’s dramatic and inspiring retellings. Accompanied by stunning illustrations by Anne Yvonne Gilbert and Ian Andrew, as well as an extensive reference section, this is a collection to be treasured for a lifetime.

Back matter includes a map of the Bible lands, a map of the Holy land, a time line of the Old and New Testament, a list of people in the Bible, a glossary, and favorite Bible verses.
More than seventy stories from the Bible retold by Saviour Pirotta, beautifully illustrated by Anne Yvonne Gilbert and Ian Andrew.
A Templar Books title, an imprint of Candlewick Press
suggested retail price (U.S.):
0763645516 / 9780763645519
pub date:
Middle Grade Fiction / Hardback
age range:
5 yrs - 7 yrs
# of pages/size:
304 / 7 3/16" x 10"
grade range:
Kindergarten - Grade 2
author’s comments:
Saviour Pirotta is an award-winning author of nearly a hundred books for children. Born on the Mediterranean island of Malta, he has always been fascinated by stories. In 1982 Saviour moved to England and became a playwright and children's book author. He now lives in West Yorkshire, England.
illustrator’s comments:
Ian Andrew’s work includes both animation and book illustration, including: the best-selling Egyptology, Pirateology, Monsterology and, Spyology,and The Boat, written by Helen Ward, which was shortlisted for the 2005 Kate Greenaway Medal.

Yvonne Gilbert has illustrated numerous books, including: pieces for Pirateology and Wizardology. She received the Golden Stamp Award in 1985 and also illustrated a series of stunning postage stamps for Royal Mail.
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