JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religion / Judaism Showing results 1-4 of 4 Books Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to AAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:48122040 Ketzel, the Cat Who ComposedWritten by Lesléa NewmanIllustrated by Amy June Bates Ketzel, the Cat Who ComposedWritten by Lesléa NewmanIllustrated by Amy June Bates With a Mighty HandThe Story in the TorahWritten by Amy EhrlichIllustrated by Daniel Nevins Chanukah LightsWritten by Michael J. RosenIllustrated by Robert Sabuda Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to AAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:48122040